VSA Better Volume

Modificato il Sab, 30 Dic, 2023 alle 8:58 PM


Per poter aggiungere e configurare tale indicatore sul grafico, è necessario aprire la finestra di Configurazione dell'indicatore.

Impostazioni dell'indicatore


Panel Determines the display location of the indicator: it can either integrate within the main chart area or appear on a separate panel below the chart.
Volume Visualization settings for the volume histogram.

Visual typeSpecifies the style for displaying data series on a chart.

  • Line - Connects data points with a line
  • Histogram - Shows a vertical column on each bar
  • Hash - Displays a horizontal line on each bar
  • Block - Presents data as a square block on each bar
  • Cross - Places a cross on each bar
  • Square - Uses a 90-degree polyline connecting data points
  • Dots - Depicts data as a circle on each bar
  • Up Arrow - Indicates data points with an upward arrow on each bar
  • Down Arrow - Represents data points with a downward arrow on each bar
  • Only Value On Axis - Shows values only on the axis, without connecting lines or shapes
  • Hide - Hides the data series from the chart
ColorDefines the color used to display the series on the chart.
Text ColorDefines the text color used to display the series on the chart.
WidthDefines the thickness of lines or elements in the chart
Line styleSpecifies the dash pattern used for lines in the chart, allowing selection of styles like solid, dotted, dashed, or custom patterns for visual differentiation

  • Solid
  • Dash
  • Dot
  • Dash Dot
  • Dash Dot Dot
Show zero values on axisDetermines if a zero value should be displayed on the price axis.
Show valueDetermines whether to display the current value of the data series on the price panel.
ScaleDetermines whether scaling is applied to the data series, adjusting its display size and proportions on the chart.
Draw above priceDetermines whether the visual elements are drawn above or below the price data on a chart. When enabled, it overlays the indicator's graphics over the price plot.
Ignored by alertsSpecifies whether the value of this data series should be ignored by the alerts set for drawing objects.
V4 Visualization settings for the average volume line.

Visual typeSpecifies the style for displaying data series on a chart.

  • Line - Connects data points with a line
  • Histogram - Shows a vertical column on each bar
  • Hash - Displays a horizontal line on each bar
  • Block - Presents data as a square block on each bar
  • Cross - Places a cross on each bar
  • Square - Uses a 90-degree polyline connecting data points
  • Dots - Depicts data as a circle on each bar
  • Up Arrow - Indicates data points with an upward arrow on each bar
  • Down Arrow - Represents data points with a downward arrow on each bar
  • Only Value On Axis - Shows values only on the axis, without connecting lines or shapes
  • Hide - Hides the data series from the chart
ColorDefines the color used to display the series on the chart.
Text ColorDefines the text color used to display the series on the chart.
WidthDefines the thickness of lines or elements in the chart
Line styleSpecifies the dash pattern used for lines in the chart, allowing selection of styles like solid, dotted, dashed, or custom patterns for visual differentiation

  • Solid
  • Dash
  • Dot
  • Dash Dot
  • Dash Dot Dot
Show zero values on axisDetermines if a zero value should be displayed on the price axis.
Show valueDetermines whether to display the current value of the data series on the price panel.
ScaleDetermines whether scaling is applied to the data series, adjusting its display size and proportions on the chart.
Draw above priceDetermines whether the visual elements are drawn above or below the price data on a chart. When enabled, it overlays the indicator's graphics over the price plot.
Ignored by alertsSpecifies whether the value of this data series should be ignored by the alerts set for drawing objects.
Blue Specifies the color for this element.
Green Specifies the color for this element.
Magenta Specifies the color for this element.
Red Specifies the color for this element.
White Specifies the color for this element.
Yellow Specifies the color for this element.


Period Specifies the quantity of recent candles to include in the calculations.
Retrospective analysis Sets the period of the highest and lowest components.


Show description The parameter controls the visibility of the indicator's name and its parameters on the chart, enabling the display of this information to be toggled on or off.

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